
 We believe there is no more important decision in your life than to surrender to Jesus Christ.

So you may say,  ‘Who is this Jesus?’

Jesus is the Son of God (the creator of all things). 
He came to earth  from Heaven ( where there is no sin) because of the sin we have in our lives . 
Why did he do that?
Jesus  is perfect and without sin and he loves us so much he  died on the cross for our sins.  (Sin causes death and separation from God and Heaven)
Three days after that he came back to life. He never died again
By doing this he took our punishment for sin. So we can get to Heaven.
(Here is a  Bible verse)
John 3:16  …God so loved the world ( all the people he made in the world ) that he gave ( to die on the cross) his one and only son Jesus  ( who is perfect and came from the perfect place called Heaven) that whoever believes in him( Jesus) will not die ( spiritually) but have eternal life. ( in Heaven) 
How do I get my sins taken away?
Tell Jesus  you know you are a sinner, and  because of that you know you can’t get to Heaven.
Tell him, I believe you died on the cross and rose again three days later paying my sin price by death because you love me so much even more than I can imagine.
Tell Jesus you want to ask him to forgive you of all your sin.
Tell Him, you know he is God’s one and only perfect son and you want to give him your old sinful life  of living for yourself and live for Jesus.
Then we encourage you to write the day and time down on a piece of paper for yourself so you have this as a reminder when you gave your life to Jesus!
(Here are 2 Bible verses)
Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, ( Acts 16:31)
By his death on the cross and resurrection from the grave, Jesus defeated sin and death. All who trust in him receive salvation as a gift from God.  “For the wages (penalty) of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” Romans 6:23
**If you have any questions you can call us: 717-642-5492